WM Corner

Greetings from the Worshipful Master

I, Larry Mims serves as the 4th Worshipful Master. We have over 60 active members on roll. Sunshine Lodge #99 is very active in the community. 

Cleveland is a thriving retirement community with a college atmosphere as well as the entire Bolivar County. We want this county to be a beacon of light for the State of Mississippi.


Sunshine Lodge #99 is active and will continue to be active in our community. We would love for any feedback to contribute to our cause. 

Mission Statement:

The Mission of The Most Worshipful Stringer Grand Lodge is to:

Disseminate Charity

Promote the spirit of Brotherly Love

Teach and encourage the idea of peace, harmony, and goodwill among the people.

Loyal to the constituted authority of our state and country.

Please follow us on Facebook at the link below.


You may contact us via email: sunshinelodge99@gmail.com or

Larry Mims 662-719-1985
